Who is Team Kiki?

Kiki City
2 min readFeb 27, 2022

Team Kiki is a video-game development studio comprised of experienced NFT artists and Web3 developers.

Kiki (@KikiNFT)

Co-founder of Kiki City and Founder of the artist collective Kiki’s Playground. Kiki is using the experience and connections made through their previous position at Rarible to help interconnect the NFT community and offer opportunities to artists and developers interested in investing more time into Web3.

Flashfox (@flashfoxart)

Co-founder of Kiki City, Lead Artist, and Developer. Flashfox worked at a digital agency for 10 years before entering the NFT space.

Prof GROSVΞNOR (@profgrosvenor)

Lead Game Developer for Kiki City. Prof has been developing indie games for several years. Worked in the professional digital marketing industry for over 5 years.


Artist for Kiki City. Nev has previously worked as a freelance illustrator and animator, now a full-time independent artist. Traits: Blakk Bucket Hat, Blakk Hoodie, Blakk Aura.

Mortem (@Mortem_Crawler)

Artist for Kiki City and Community Manager for Deadfellaz. Experienced freelance illustrator/designer and 3D animator.

TheHiena (@thehienaart)

Branding Lead for Kiki City. Illustrater and animator. Brought the dopest unified look for the Kiki branding.

Mr.Proximity (@MrProximity_)

Discord Manager for Kiki City and Deadfellaz. Conceptual artist and overall very cool cat 😻.



Kiki City

Beach Party metaverse starts July! Join the Discord for daily Kiki Ticket giveaways @ http://discord.gg/kikicity!