Land Ahoy!

Kiki City
2 min readJul 22, 2022

Hard to miss, to say the least.

What a Sight!

Kiki Story Pt. 3

The ship’s bell was ringing as the Kikis approached! Our feline passengers dropped everything in awe of the sight of their vacation resort. Kiki Island was in sight, and it was incredible! As they approached, the sea began to change to a beautiful tone of blue, caused by the presence of rare algae near the shore that glowed at night. The songs of birds making a home in the palm trees of Kiki Island filled the air. A bright ray of sunshine pierced through a cloud and hit the mountainside, revealing Kiki Island’s most prominent feature. An enormous Kiki structure made of brilliant stone. Gazing upon it captured the true scale of what the Kikis were in for, an absolutely unforgettable Beach Party!

The Kikis continued to prepare for the time of their lives! Between shooting Kiki Golf balls into the ocean, watching movies in the Kiki Theater, and fishing for Hammerhead Sharks, there was still some time to horde as many Kiki Tickets as possible, those shiny pieces of Kiki luxury! Some were delivered special briefcases straight from the Kiki Exchange Center at Kiki Corp., ready to give them out to guests on the beach! Others had sharpened their fangs and earned them with sweat, tears, and a lot of needed Kiki luck!

Soon, they’d all be on Kiki Beach with a tropical resort to explore and a DJ ready to bring them only the finest tunes for their fuzzy Kiki ears!

Wen Kiki?

Kiki City Beach Party is launching on July 29th, 2022 and we’re kicking things off with the official launch party in Decentraland! Be there for a brand-new Kiki set with DJ Triforce and a limited POAP!

Wen Beach Party?



Kiki City

Beach Party metaverse starts July! Join the Discord for daily Kiki Ticket giveaways @!