A Dastardly Plan!

Kiki City
2 min readJul 15, 2022

Can’t some cats just have a little fun?

Mad Cat!

Kiki Story Pt. 2

A distant sound of maniacal laughter was drowned out by luggage wheels and meows. Unbeknownst to our Kiki crowd, something malicious was afoot. An orange Kiki with a pair of wide coke-bottle glasses leered over the litter of cats preparing to enjoy their Kiki Summer. Across their lapel, a red-stained nametag lettered ‘Dr.Kikizo’. Ah, at last, a half-year plan was coming together. A plan not in the name of world domination, but of experimentation and exploring the world of crooked science! With a twist of a few knobs on their modified Laser Tag shooter, a warm and bright pulse accompanied the ringing of increasing power within the device. It was time to work, and it won’t be a clean job.

Within the shadowy corners of the ship, the Doctor began to scout for test subjects. Reviewing their surroundings to make sure they were keeping away from witnesses, the Doctor saw distracted Kikis that were too busy drooling over Kiki Tickets to pay attention to now tampered equipment. Buckets of fish were tainted with toxic Guppies, iKikis were stolen, and strange flyers were riddled around the ship promoting some type of Kiki Cult. Everything was in place to disrupt this kitty get-away.

The ship departed, leaving behind them bright sea foam, as it sailed away to Kiki Island.

The next chapter releases on July 22nd!



Kiki City

Beach Party metaverse starts July! Join the Discord for daily Kiki Ticket giveaways @ http://discord.gg/kikicity!